Thursday, December 31, 2009

A year in review.

The new year began surrounded by the sibs

We went out in CDA and then to Denny's where I probably needed a bib.

I almost fell asleep in my food,

But I woke up in a GREAT mood.

We opened Christmas presents on New Years Day.

I love starting off a new year in this way!

It snowed A TON and it stuck around.

We decided in March we needed to get out of town.

We headed to Moab to ride bikes where the weather was warmer.
We ran into rain, snow and wind, this year was not like the former.

We survived with warm clothes and fire.
We left with good memories although not much drier.

I learned something on that trip, pads are a must,

To keep your body in one shape and prevent it from rust.
I have more scars than ever before,

I have began to be comfortable with the earth's floor.

My dad got sick, my sister got knocked up.

Their expecting a boy, although Saray wants a pup.

We played some ultimate, and won alot
I won three tournaments, thats how hard we fought.

Made some trips to BC where things just seem better,

I love it up there, even if it is wetter.

My bestfriend got married and I was in her wedding.

Rayna and Jon were wed in a beautiful setting.

My John got a phone, and we can reach him.

I am alot happier and not so grim.

It has been a great year full of surprises and fun,

I am excited to spend tonight with friends as this year is done.

I have had a great year and I have spent it with a great man.

Although it may not seem like it all the time, I am his biggest fan.

To John, I want to thank you for all that you do,

I can't WAIT to spend another year with you.

My life is more exciting and fun when you are around.

I love you more as each year goes round.
I hope 2010 brings more adventure for us.

I cant wait to see where this year will go, hopefully without much fuss.

To all of you out there HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I hope it is filled with love, laughter and BEER!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Eating, Eating, Eating......and more eating.

Well....I know...I have been a lazy blogger. I was going to give an update of what I have been up to since....i know...APRIL. But....if you are on facebook, you have pictures and updates. In CDA it is now fall, turning into means a few things to me...the days get shorter. I get lazier. I do spend alot of time on the couch between the hours of 4 and bedtime. I am getting fatter. Its true! There once was a time when I could say that I was a standard 125 lbs. (reminder, I am 5 feet tall.) There was little I could do to gain or lose that weight. Lately the number has gone up a bit and the same thing applies, except for the fact that the number goes up VERY easily and does not go down as easily. My vice? Candy and mindless eating. I work out. I am active (between the hours of 7am and 4pm.) however, I am an eater...a BIG EATER. I eat way more than the average person. Its true. Some people conciously eat, I have to conciously NOT eat. If you are in my house, you will notice I dont have snacks. No chips, or crackers, rarely cereal. Why??? Because I will eat it. I have wonderful self control as long as the food is not around. I must surround myself with healthy food in order to NOT mindlessly snack on veggies rather than cookies and CRAP!

Until Sunday....That is the day my brother and law came home with.....CANDY....and gave me some. I have not had candy for some time, and there is a reason for that. I should have said no, but I thought, OK, no biggie. Then I bought candy on Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Saturday....I am trying today for a day without candy. Maybe jumpstart myself again. So....wish me luck as I continue on my journey of not eating CRAP....any advice? please let me know, because I will really need it with the holidays coming up...HELP!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A few complaints.

Grrr....that is what I say when things dont go my way. I am frustrated with my blog color background. But only on the title. How do I change it from that ugly green????? AHH! I have made a few changes because I am procrastinating working. I am suppose to have paperwork done on Friday, and have not started....well I did start, but I lost it on my computer. So, now I must start over. GRRR!!!!!!

My next complaint. I am a procrastinater. I have gone home, with the intention to start this paperwork all week long, and of course have not finished...or began it... GRRR!!!!

My next complaint....My camera broke. I had a nice camera, my lovely father got it for me. And it broke. I have not bought a camera for a while, because my last two cameras have been from my previously mentioned wonderful father. They are PRICEY! I am thinking that ebay is a good idea. Any suggestions? No camera...GRRRR!!!!

Another complaint...Idaho hicks...they dont know squat about education or the environment or the work that goes into it and it shows in the laws that are passed. GRRR!!!! No recycling plastic! GRRR!!!

Almost done with complaints. John has been trying to get this dog for about 3 weeks now. We keep hearing from the lady that she will know at the end of the week. It seems like a great dog, and we SEEM to be second in line, but we have a feeling she is saving it for someone she knows better. GRRR!!!!

Okay one more home has no washer or dryer....I cannot wash clothes conveniently at my own will, instead I must travel to do it. So....the outfit I would love to wear for my observation tomorrow (grrr..) I cannot wear because I spilled something on a shirt. GRR!!!

And onto the GOOD THINGS! I am getting a FREE washer dryer on Sunday! If my lovely boyfriend and brother in law will help me out and if all goes well. :) hint hint.

Another good thing....I am turning 28 next week. It has been a good year for 27. I have had a good time. Trying to get life on track. :)

I have good health and know myself well. I try to eat healthy, relax, etc. Which is more than I can say for the past few years. I feel like I am getting things on track.

I have a wonderful family who loves and support me, and who I love to be with. And I can honestly say that I love being with ALL of them. How many people can say that? I also have John, who is wonderful, open, and an all around wonderful guy.

I have a great job that I love and that is stable. I guess you could say I have 2 jobs that are stable. Not many people can say that these days.

I have two cats. :) Who knew I would like that?

Spring is coming and the weather is warming up....who cant love that??!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


What a crazy last few weeks! Phew! I am exhausted just thinking about it! I apologize for the lack of blogging, but things have been crazy! It started out by me being sick sick sick! I had to take two days off before conferences because I could not seem to get out of bed...literally! I had a wonderful visit with friends in Pasco, Washington, and acquired cold symptoms while I was there. When I got back, my "cold" was full blown, and I could not literally keep my eyes open.

But here is the great thing about my job....I can call in sick...But here is the crappy part.

When a teacher is sick, they can call in sick, but then, they must come into work and prepare their day, while half dead, for someone else. I know I forgot a few things, and I am sure I left my sub wondering, but I did not know what I was doing. But its okay, because they never follow directions anyway. You always come back, and the kids tell you all the stuff they DIDNT do.

So, I was sick for 2 days, and came back in time to teach a full day, and then have conferences that night. I came back to school at 7am the next day for more conferences. Finally, conferences ended, after 2 long days, and immediately I proceeded to get an ear infection. John and I were suppose to leave for Moab the next day. So, we spent all day Friday, getting ready. I have gotten meds for my ear infection and off we go.

Meds however come with side effects. These tend to affect your digestive symptom. Having the runs while camping is not fun. However, I survived with minimal damage. :)

Phew! We had a wonderful time however, and I got MANY bruises to prove it. MANY bruises, painful bruises.

We return from Moab on Saturday, and spend Sunday chilling, and putting things away. School starts back up on monday.

We have a full week of school, which actually wasnt too bad, I had some work to do for my other job that week which was a bit stressful, but all in all, not a bad week. On Friday, we left for Seattle for Easter. We had a great weekend hanging out with family, hiking, eating, etc. We got home on Sunday night at about 11pm, and then it was back to work on Monday.

So....more blogging to come! Things are starting to settle down!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Isn't it March???

Well...let me tell you. I have lived in CDA now for 4 winters...officially, and I am still not used to the seasons here. March especially is bad for weather. The other day, I was outside and I swear I didnt even need a jacket! It was a balmy 42 degrees! YEAH! The very next day, the temperature plummeted and it was 25 degrees with 3 inches of snow! Mother nature is cruel. Tonight I got into the car from the gym and the temp went down to 16 degrees....tonight, the low is suppose to be 1. No I did not forget a number after that 1. It is just suppose to be 1 degree... With Idaho. Thank goodness for spring break in Moab and Colorado. Tomorrow it will be 65 degrees joke.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Tax Season....I used to love tax season for the money you get ( I usually get money back). The last few years, I have had a job where I had a lot of out of pocket expenses. Which means, come tax season, I would get a crazy amount of money back ! YEAH!!! Well, this year, being a teacher the entire year, and although I have ALOT of out of pocket expenses, I only get "reimbursed" for $250. Bummer right? Well, because of all of my previous deductions, I have gone to an accountant. Paying $180 each time. This year I decided to do Turbo Tax instead. My sister LOVES turbotax. She expressed to me the excitement you feel when the number goes up and down and how it is almost like playing a game!

I did not have that experience. I now work 2 jobs. When I put my teaching W2 in, the number went up! YEAH! Then I put the other W2 in and....the number plummeted and was decreased by half! YES! I SAID HALF! I was shocked at first, and then recoved when I realized that I still had deductions to put in....Well....i didnt make a LICK of difference. :(...After going over the numbers 10 times, I have succombed to the fact that I will be getting 1/6th of the amount I got last year...sigh...I hate tax season, and although Turbo Tax is covenient, I hate it too.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why am I still in school?!

I am going to try to blog is my next blog.

Today I had an complete 180 degree attitude change....before I talk about that let me give you some background information.

This entire week I have been struggling with my class. Basically the kids have been annoying the crap out of me. I feel myself tense up whenever they walk into the room and remain annoyed and stressed all day. As a result, they have been going crazy. I mean, they are not listening to ANYTHING. Yesterday, I looked a girl in the eye and said. Do not line up unless you have your coat on. She just kept staring....I proceeded to say it again but louder. Again, she just looked at me blankly, probably thinking I was talking to someone else. Finally I said her name and said, "Sally get your coat now!" Now normally I am not that onery, but the fact that this seems to have been going on all week, I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown. I found myself taking deep breaths down the hall, and got them through the lunch line miraculously. As I was about to leave for a heavenly 1/2 hour, where I planned on laying on the ground and trying to get my heart rate down, when the secretary comes on the loud speaker and proceeded to ruin life as I knew it. To teachers, the absolute worst thing you could ever hear. "It is raining outside so we will now have inside recess."

Now for you non-teachers reading this, I will tell you that inside recess guarantees that there will be crazy, wild children in your room the rest of the day. Now if you work in an old, small, school like I do, where PE and lunch occur in the same space, this means you fail to eat your lunch while you walk about your classroom telling kids that this is still a classroom and not the playground. Basically you try to get them at a dull roar as they try to get any and all energy they have out of their system.

Now back to the day. As I hear Jaye over the loud speaker, tears start to well up in my eyes and I begin to almost cry as I realize I may die before the day is over. Needless to say I survived. Two glasses of wine, an hour of hard cardio, and a bubble bath later, my blood pressure was back to normal, and I thought that the next day couldnt be any worse. Then I woke up and went to work....

Again, the children walk into the room and my stress level rises. I start to think that maybe I am not cut out for this teaching thing. Although the morning was bad, it was not as bad as the day before, with no inside recess. So, I go to lunch and proceed to talk to a friend at work and my principal (the coolest boss ever) about my increased stress with teaching. I tell them how frustrated I have been and how crazy I feel like my kids have been. I basically tell them that I dont know what is going on with me, but I AM STRESSED OUT IN THE FIRST GRADE AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. At first I got all the advice that I have already tried....the teaching strategies, classroom management, etc. I left lunch frustrated still, but hopeful that maybe the afternoon would be somewhat better than the hell I have been experiencing.

I did not have such luck. They kids come in, wet, complaining, arguing, crying, from recess. I have no patience. Luckily I ship them off to Art in 5 minutes. I come back in, and my principal follows me into my classroom. We talk more aobut my stress, and then about lacrosse, and ultimate. I look at the clock and realize I am 5 minutes late picking up my kids! @!#!!%^$##@!$ Lucky for me, my boss was the one who made me late and as I sprint down the hall, I cant help but smile as I hear him cracking up behind me. I dont know if that did it, or there was divine intervention from mom, my principal's conversation or what, but I had a 180. I realized that my kids are learning to write (they have been struggling), they are actually funny, they are kind, and despite everything that I have done, they still like me and want to please me more than anything. The rest of the day went without a hitch and I actually enjoyed it! I had an energy burst today and I cant wait to see what tomorrow will hold! It is crazy I know, but this sad and pathetic story does have a happy ending! Well, maybe....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Winter is long...

I love winter...I love snow...I love cuddling up on the couch with cider, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, etc. It is one of my favorite memories really....However, as March approaches, I am starting to get tired of the cold weather, my winter clothes, the darkess hovering at 5pm. I am ready for spring, to run outside. Go hiking after work. Not worrying every step whether I will slip on the ice or not. I want more sunshine! I want to sit outside!

I talked to John the other day about how we both do not do winter well....My knee is still not up to par to start snowboarding this year. The snow came in December, but has not done much since. We have been stuck with a foot and a half of ice in the front yard FOREVER! I do love winter though...when winter means snow, and not just cold weather. I am waiting for the cold I have had since November to finally lift. (allergies really).

I think the kids at school are feeling it too...They are restless and it is driving ME crazy! I am losing patience and find myself at least 2 times a day taking deep breaths deliberately to calm down. It is not their fault, but AHHH!!!!!! I think John and I will try to do something fun this weekend.

We are planning a trip to Moab again over spring break. This is only a month away! Last year in Moab it was 65 degrees when we were there! I cant wait! However, there are report cards to get done, conferences to hold, assessments to write. And...yes...taxes to file. WHEW! Wish me luck as I plow through until day light savings time.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ahh the holidays

Well...the holidays this year were quite interesting for me. You know when your life seems crazy and out of control and there is nothing you can do but plug along and wait for time to take care of things for you? Well...that is how I feel. Its hard to wait though for time to pass. Its hard to have the "Im starting now!" attitude when you cant really start yet. If I make no sense then silently disregard this post. My goal for 2009? Figure shit out. Be healthier, both mind and body, figure out what I want and do something about it. Be a happier person. My sister used to say to me, "Teresa, not everyone can be happy all the time like you!" What happened to that? I miss that time. Life can wear a person down. It definitely can. I need to remember though that it will weigh me down only if I let it. Life doesn't have to wear you down. Life can be exciting and rejuvinating. So....that is my goal this year. Don't let life wear me down as I fear it has. When life gives you lemons? Make lemonade right? :) Wish me luck!