Tuesday, April 14, 2009


What a crazy last few weeks! Phew! I am exhausted just thinking about it! I apologize for the lack of blogging, but things have been crazy! It started out by me being sick sick sick! I had to take two days off before conferences because I could not seem to get out of bed...literally! I had a wonderful visit with friends in Pasco, Washington, and acquired cold symptoms while I was there. When I got back, my "cold" was full blown, and I could not literally keep my eyes open.

But here is the great thing about my job....I can call in sick...But here is the crappy part.

When a teacher is sick, they can call in sick, but then, they must come into work and prepare their day, while half dead, for someone else. I know I forgot a few things, and I am sure I left my sub wondering, but I did not know what I was doing. But its okay, because they never follow directions anyway. You always come back, and the kids tell you all the stuff they DIDNT do.

So, I was sick for 2 days, and came back in time to teach a full day, and then have conferences that night. I came back to school at 7am the next day for more conferences. Finally, conferences ended, after 2 long days, and immediately I proceeded to get an ear infection. John and I were suppose to leave for Moab the next day. So, we spent all day Friday, getting ready. I have gotten meds for my ear infection and off we go.

Meds however come with side effects. These tend to affect your digestive symptom. Having the runs while camping is not fun. However, I survived with minimal damage. :)

Phew! We had a wonderful time however, and I got MANY bruises to prove it. MANY bruises, painful bruises.

We return from Moab on Saturday, and spend Sunday chilling, and putting things away. School starts back up on monday.

We have a full week of school, which actually wasnt too bad, I had some work to do for my other job that week which was a bit stressful, but all in all, not a bad week. On Friday, we left for Seattle for Easter. We had a great weekend hanging out with family, hiking, eating, etc. We got home on Sunday night at about 11pm, and then it was back to work on Monday.

So....more blogging to come! Things are starting to settle down!

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